Predictwind and Xgate Iridium Dial Number Override.

Predictwind and Xgate Iridium Dial Number Override.


Iridium has 3 dial numbers that can be used for connecting to the Internet for general weather and email downloads.

By default, most Iridium devices, and associated software, will use 008816000025 as the dial number unless otherwise configured.

Iridium Go devices and Iridium Go compatible software will use the 0088160000330 number, unless otherwise configured.

There may be situations where you want to force your device to dial a number other than the default.


Iridium Data Dial numbers:
  1. Standard Iridium Data:  008816000025 (used by Iridium terminals, SC4000, Aurora, Phones, Optimizers, etc)
  2. Iridium Go Data:            0088160000330 (specifically set up for Iridium Go and Redport Glow devices)
  3. Alternate Iridium Data: 0088160000300 (an alternate standard number)

CruisersEmail / Xgate / Iridium Mail and Web

Xgate (or CruisersEmail) also has these numbers pre-programmed, however they can be overridden in the configuration settings.
By default, with dial override disabled,
  1. For the Iridium Go downloader, xx330 will be used
  2. For the Optimizer downloader, xx25 will be used for all but Redport Glow,  Redport Glow will use xx330


PredictWind Offshore has these numbers embedded in the configuration and they cannot be changed in the software.

By default, 
  1. For the Iridium Go downloader, xx330 will be used
  2. For the Optimizer downloader, xx25 will be used for all but Redport Glow,  Redport Glow will use xx330

Setting the Dial Override

CruisersEmail, Xgate, Iridium Mail for Smartphones/Tablets

In the following screenshot on a smartphone (Apple iPhone in this case) you can see that the dial override option has been enabled and the Iridium Standard Data dial number “25” has been entered here.   Since the connection type is Iridium Go, the override changes the connection to use the non-Go dial number.  

This setting applies to Xgate, CruisersEmail, and Iridium Mail for iOS and Android



CruisersEmail, Xgate, Iridium Mail for Windows/Mac

In the following screenshot on a computer (Apple MacOS in this case) you can see that the dial override option has been enabled and the Iridium Standard Data dial number “25” has been entered here.   Since the connection type is Iridium Go, the override changes the connection to use the non-Go dial number.  

This setting applies to Xgate, CruisersEmail, and AcxessPoint WiFi for Windows and MacOS

In this next screenshot, you can see that we have forced an Iridium Handset and Optimizer combo to dial the Iridium Go Data number “330”


Overridding the dial number for PredictWind Offshore 

PredictWind itself does not have any way of changing the dial number within the app.  However, for PC and Mac Versions, there is a way to have Predictwind Offshore dial a satellite connection through Xgate/CruisersEmail.


Once you have set the dial override as shown above, you can use the “Xgate” or “CruisersEmail” download tab  in PredictWind to make the connection.  In this case, since the Xgate software is making the satellite call, and Predictwind is just connecting through that connection, the dial override settings in Xgate/CruisersEmail take effect.



If it’s communicating with Xgate properly, you will see “Ready to Connect” on the PredictWind “CruisersEmail” or “Xgate” tab and you will also see “API: xxxx” messages on the Xgate app log screen.


Billing Notes/Warning:

Iridium knows which device is connecting.  A non-Go device that dials the Go number will work fine, but you will not gain any free data minutes like a Go device supports with the Go150+ plan.  Any minutes used on the Go number by a non-Go device will be billed normally.”


Conversely, If an Iridium Go uses the non-Go dial number, all data minutes will be billed normally, the free/unlimited data minutes in the Go150+ plan will not apply to those calls.  Only the Go specific “330” number allows for the unlimited/free data minutes.)