(activate iridium, activate inmarsat, activate xgate xgate, activate certus, activate go exec, activate iridium go, activate certus, activate vsat, activate viasat, activate fleet)
Activating a new service such as satellite phone, email service, cellular data plan, support plan, etc.
Step 1: Ensure you already have a SIM card (if a SIM is required for the type of service) provided by Sea-Tech Systems. For most services, SIM cards are tied to the dealer and can only be activated by the dealer who provided the SIM. If you need a SIM card for your device and don't have one, you can order one from Sea-Tech Systems using the Order SIM buttons on the
https://SeaTech.Systems/activate page.
Step 2: Review the rate plans for your service using the Rate Plan links on the
Activate page.
Step 4: Our activations team will review the request and process it within 72 hours. If we do not have enough information or there are any issues with the activation process we will reach out to you for additional information.
Step 5: Once the activation is complete our activations team will send you confirmation email with any relevant information you need (such as assigned phone number or email address).
During activation, a customer account will be created in our billing system which will invite you to join the billing portal. Through the billing portal you will be able to view your subscriptions and access invoices as well as access service change forms and update payment methods when needed to keep your service active.
Note: If you are an existing customer who already has a customer account, your new subscription will be added to any other subscriptions and orders you already have in the same customer account.
Once activated, all services renew forever until a change/pause/cancellation request is submitted.
Pausing your active satellite, email, or data service
Some services can be paused and resumed (depends on the terms of service for plan).
To request a pause, complete the
Stop Service form on the website no later than 72 hours before the end of the calendar month. We cannot guarantee that a request received within 72 hours of the end of the month can be processed in time to be effective for the next billing cycle. Successful changes processed within 72 hours are assessed a rush change fee. Any requests that are not received in time to process for the next billing cycle, or after the billing period has renewed, will be rescheduled for the end of the following billing cycle. Once the billing period has renewed, there is no way to reverse the renewal or the charges, as the services carriers do not allow any backdating of changes or proration/refunds.
Once the pause request is processed, you will be notified that it was scheduled. Once a service has been paused, it will remain paused until you submit a request for resumption of service.
Suspend requests cannot be processed if the service has not been active for at least 30 days. If you resumed or activated your service in the middle of the calendar month, the first date eligible for suspend is the last day of the following month.
Resuming your paused satellite, email, or data service
For services that are currently paused, you can request for the service to be resumed at any time. To request a resume, complete the Resume/Modify form on the website. The request will be processed within 72 hours. Resumes can be processed at any time and typically involve proration of included airtime and the service fee for the remainder of the month in which the resume occurs.
Once the resume request is processed, you will be notified that it was scheduled. Once a service has been resumed, the service will renew forever until a new change/pause/cancellation request is submitted.
Upgrading the plan for your active satellite, email, or data service
Some services allow changing between multiple rate plans.
To request an upgrade, complete the
Resume/Modify form on the website. The request will be processed within 72 hours. Resumes can be processed at any time and typically involve proration of included airtime and the service fee for the new higher rate plan for the remainder of the month in which the upgrade occurs. There is no credit/proration for the unused portion of the old plan when changes are made mid-month.
Once the plan change request is processed, you will be notified that it was scheduled or completed. Once a service has been modified, the service will remain on the new rate plan forever until a new change/pause/cancellation request is submitted.
Downgrading the plan for your active satellite, email, or data service
Some services allow changing between multiple rate plans.
To request a downgrade complete the
Resume/Modify form on the website no later than 72 hours before the end of the calendar month. We cannot guarantee that a request received within 72 hours of the end of the month can be processed in time to be effective for the next billing cycle. Successful changes processed within 72 hours are assessed a rush change fee. Any requests that are not received in time to process for the next billing cycle, or after the billing period has renewed, will be rescheduled for the end of the following billing cycle. Once the billing period has renewed, there is no way to reverse the renewal or the charges, as the services carriers do not allow any backdating of changes or proration/refunds.
Once the plan change request is processed, you will be notified that it was scheduled. Once a service has been modified, the service will remain on the new rate plan forever until a new change/pause/cancellation request is submitted.
Deactivating (aka Cancelling) your active satellite, email, or data service
To request a deactivation of service, complete the
Stop Service form on the website no later than 72 hours before the end of the calendar month. We cannot guarantee that a request received within 72 hours of the end of the month can be processed in time to be effective for the next billing cycle. Successful changes processed within 72 hours are assessed a rush change fee. Any requests that are not received in time to process for the next billing cycle, or after the billing period has renewed, will be rescheduled for the end of the following billing cycle. Once the billing period has renewed, there is no way to reverse the renewal or the charges, as the services carriers do not allow any backdating of changes or proration/refunds.
Once the pause request is processed, you will be notified that it was scheduled. Once a service has been paused, it will remain paused until you submit a request for resumption of service.
Suspend requests cannot be processed if the service has not been active for at least 30 days. If you resumed or activated your service in the middle of the calendar month, the first date eligible for suspend is the last day of the following month.

Sea-Tech Systems has tried to make it easy to activate new services, suspend/resume existing services, and deactivate or cancel services when needed. There are multiple ways to make these requests. The preferred method is through the online forms provided through our website and linked to above but you can also email us at activations@sea-tech.com or call us at 206-792-9540. We also accept SMS messages to our main number for existing customers with billing information on file.